Making Earth a Better Place for the Generations to Come!
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food – Hippocrates
Thing have changed a lot since Hippocrates uttered that beautiful sentence.
Today we do not even consider food to have healing properties. We have only one goal in the mind- we live to eat. We do not take the food we eat seriously. Of course, who in this busy world has time to think about what type of food we are stuffing into our body? Who cares if our body protest? When we get sick, the first thing we do is throw some more chemicals in the form of drugs into our already ailing body. Do we ever give a thought about it? Do we even care that our actions are hurting planet earth.? That the resources provided by nature will soon reach their expiry date?
Infographic![]() Click Here | Problems in this world are infinite. Everyday we hear about global climate change, food shortage, poverty and natural calamities raging the planet. Do we feel that our next generation deserve this? Are they not entitled to live healthy life on a healthy planet? We have responsibility towards our planet and towards our next generation to come. The choices we make now will affect their future. So here are some ways to make our planet a better place for our children: |
1) Stop feeding on animal products and embrace a plant-based diet. Plant-based foods consume less resources and provide more benefits. They are rich in phytochemicals which prevent heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes. They are low in saturated fat and cholesterol than animal foods. You are preventing animal cruelty by taking this small step. You are reducing the carbon emissions and greenhouse effects generated by animal products industries.
2) Stop buying animal products like leather, fur, ivory jewellery, and animal-based oils such as cod liver oil. Millions of animals are killed unnecessary for their products which we wear. Animals are part of our ecosystem and they play a major role in maintaining its balance.
3) Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Reduce or eliminate the use of car and adopt public transport whenever required. The best way is to walk or cycle your way to work. You will not only reduce calories but also the carbon emission responsible for global warming.
4) Go local, go natural. Nature has abundant resources to meet our needs some of which are found in our neighbourhood. Eat local foods, build homes with natural products, and embrace lifestyle which aligns with nature.
5) Plant more tree. Deforestation has adverse effects, it leads to soil damage, water spills and climate change. Many species of birds and animals have decreased in numbers and many are on the verge of extinction. Do we visualize a future with fewer trees and animals?
6) Educate your children about embracing healthy lifestyle and raise them as responsible citizens. They are future leaders so create and spread awareness about this amongst young generation.
A healthy ecosystem consists of all the chemical elements and nutrients that circulate in a cycle while supporting billions of species. We humans therefore have a responsibility to conserve the environment and make earth a better place for the generations to come.