Author Name: StartRight

Seem intrigued, huh? Reminiscing about what happened to Sameer or, like to know more about the White Lies, you have grown up with.
We will go in more extensive details about the obligatory inclusion of milk in our diet, profits reaped by dairy companies, nutritional aspects of dairy products, and the way milk is provoking more harm than doing any good.

Milk culture started in the west (especially in the US), where it is considered a quick, go-to breakfast option that goes well with cereals, oats, and bread. The consensus around breast milk is common worldwide, but it is difficult for mothers in the US and Europe as they have to return to work once the maternity leaves are over. Hence, the cow’s milk replaced human milk.

Did you know?
“Around three-quarters of the world’s population do not drink milk, but among those who do, the pattern of consumption varies widely between countries.”
United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) revealed a report that milk consumption level in Southeast Asia is way lower as compared to South Asia and the rest of the continent. It is mainly because of the historical traditions around milk consumption in South Asian countries including, India and Pakistan.

Let the Babies Have the Milk
Gratitude to mother nature, milk is for babies and is the first food that we consume. The milk our babies require is breast milk and not cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains a large number of proteins and hormones needed to raise a forty KG calf to 150 KG cow in a year’s time.
Now, imagine, what does that amount of protein and fats will do to a human body? Milk consumption during childhood is linked to colic and type 1 diabetes.

Effects of D-Galactose
The researchers from Sweden conducted a study on “Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men.” The study published by the British Medical Journal revealed undesirable effects caused by D-galactose found in the milk.

One glasses of cow’s milk contain five grams of D-galactose, and it is the primary reason for oxidative stress, inflammation, deficiency in immune response, and aging.

Osteoporosis and Unhealthy Bones
Milk makes your bones stronger is the biggest myth marketed by dairy companies. Research has proved that there is no connection between bone health and milk consumption.
Not only this, but the study has also revealed that with increased milk intake, you have more chances of experiencing osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Fats, Cholesterol, and Heart Problems
You will never see a vegan ranting about cholesterol, fats, and heart problems. Going vegan is the ultimate lifestyle change to stay fit and healthy.
One cup of milk contains as much as 24 mg cholesterol. Furthermore, all dairy products, including milk, have saturated fat. This fat content is a primary reason for artery-clogging that eventually increases the risk of heart diseases.
The dairy companies market milk as a catalyst that helps with weight control. With the amount of fat, one should not even think about weight loss.

Milk Contamination
We all can remember ads from the TV showing happy cows grazing in their natural habitats and yielding more milk production. Well, that’s something that happens only in the ideal world.
For commercial purposes, cows are bred purposely to produce larger quantities of milk. The farms inseminate cows artificially, and the use of growth hormone injections is broadly popular to increase milk production. The final product available for humans has considerable quantities of pesticides, toxins, and other harmful residues.

Lactose Intolerance
Another reason that you should immediately stop consuming milk is lactose intolerance. Due to the high value of protein in cow’s milk, people suffer from lactose intolerance. Unable to digest the lactose in the milk, people experience cramps, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.

Inhumane Farming
We have come a long way and always talk big about human rights – well, that’s civilized. How about replicating the same when it comes to treating the animals considerately?
Anything they show you on media is not always right. The cows kept on farms endure the most inhumane conditions. The cows do not feed on green pastures, milked using the machines, inseminated artificially, to make them pregnant.

The average life span of cows is between 20 to 25 years, but milk cows are slaughtered for meat, once they are about five years old. If we still decide to consume milk, then we are part of this animal abuse.

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